Of course, since Google Plus’s inception, it’s been something that any social geek worth his weight in USB cords has at least checked into. I’m no different. Whenever I see a new tool, the first thought is what can it do for my communities that I’m involved in around the media I make and participate […]
The Truth About DJLunchbox
Earlier today, I had two blog posts in mind. and they go well with the content of late of this blog. But I was given a little bit of a diversion: So, why not see what we could get out of this, and learn a little bit more of our compatriote, DJLunchbox of the Wrestling […]
An Open Letter to Unapproved Friends
Hi. I know you friended me a while ago (or within the last week if we’re talking Google+), and I haven’t quite approved you yet. Please don’t take it personally. I mean, it is kind of weird sometimes. Maybe I really do know you. I talk to you all the time. You’re @coolguy89 and we […]
A .com Story
I’ve been working with websites for a long time. Probably over 10 years, and currently sitting on 40 domains, and who knows how many I’ve walked away from, you could say I’ve had some experience since the days of $50 domains and NameZero got me started. In March, I had obtained, finally, that golden goose […]
The Exclusive Effect
Google+ is out there, and everyone is clamouring to get an exclusive invite to the latest Facebook killer. And it seems so very familiar… Back in the day, “everyone” was on Myspace. I don’t know how many shows and interviews I setup via Myspace messages as this was some people’s primary point of contact. So […]