Basic Sorganomics: The Choice Problem

After Podcamp Pittsburgh X, between Periscopes and Snapchats, Facebooks and Tweeters, it’s obvious that there are a lot of choices in platforms to talk to your audience.  How do you pick which, if any of them? Follow Basic Sorganomics on Youtube, DailyMotion, Spreaker, iTunes, Stitcher or TalkShoe, or subscribe to the Sorgatron Media Master Feed on Stitcher and iTunes. MP3 Download

Basic Sorganomics: Should I Spend Money on My Social Media?

Promoted Pins, Boost Posts, and Promoted Tweets are all coming for your marketing money.  But as a smaller business, non profit, or small Podcast producer, is it necessary?  I look at a few positions on the topic. What is your take on promoted posts, pins, and tweets?  Are you finding success without it? Follow Basic Sorganomics on Youtube, […]

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