Spotlight on

From Once again, we had a chance to sit down with a Pittsburgh area entrepreneur to talk about how their business has started to implement social media. This time, we spoke with Megan Lindsey at Franktuary to talk about what Twitter, Blogging, and an appearance on Something to Be Desired has meant for her […]

You Should Never Forget Another Birthday

Seriously. With all of the Myspaces, Facebooks, and Google Calenders that can all interface with your phone, email, or maybe even your toaster, there is no reason to forget someone. In my recent reading of Never Eat Alone, there was a section just about Birthdays. How people become so jaded. I have always felt weird […]

Spotlight on

A little piece I did for Podcamp Pittsburgh.  Expect more to come…. Last year leading up to Podcamp Pittsburgh 3, we showcased the regular people around Pittsburgh that were doing great things with Social Media. People such as Justin Kownacki of Something to Be Desired, iJustine, Rachel from Webbie Nominated, and members of the […]

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