Podcamp Chops: Still Effective

From Wrestling Mayhem Show: Another Podcamp is over, and chopping ensued during our session, which was awesome to have our listeners watch live on the Podcamp stream, and aftwerwards at the bar. We have three phone-recorded videos with chopping participants, Chachi, DJLunchbox, Uncle Crappy, V-Rock, and DaCheet. Enjoy…

Pet Twittering

You know, there’s a trend that I stumbled upon. There was a slight inspiration from @iamjellybean, and I guess @stokemonkey, but in the past month, we’ve seen the rise of @BijouMayhem and @MrSammySam.  Our dog and cat, respectively. Bijou’s account came as I waited for something, someday.  I just recall sitting in a car, registering […]

Podcamp Pittsburgh Cast: Former PittGirl, Virginia Montanez

From Podcamp Pittsburgh: Earlier this week, Missy Sorg and I had the chance to sit down with former “PittGirl” Virginia Montanez. We had a great time at a local Panera Bread talking about TheBurghBlog, identity scares, how exposing her identity with the unveiling of ThatsChurch has changed things for her, meeting the people she’s known […]

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