AwesomeCast 39: Peanut Butter on the Shelf I was having something of a rough day at work, and Chachi stepped up and offered to take on switching the show, putting me on the couch! This was something different and really brought out a different side of me on the show. It’s amazing how much freer […]
Let’s Try: Covering Events
Recently posted on Sorgatron Media Mulango Akpo-Esambe of takes us on a tour of the Toonseum in Downtown Pittsburgh, PA! We checkout the comics, people, and upcoming events during the Blogger Blast in early February and have a chance to talk with Executive Director of Toonseum, Joe Wos, and the special guest for the […]
This Week in SorgCasts: Animals, Artificial Intelligence, and Video Games
AwesomeCast 38: Now with more Watson Another great show where we welcome our robot overlords. It was great to catch a little bit of the historic Watson Jeopardy right before the show. It’s also been great to have our new run down system that Chachi is keeping alive that AJ brought in in my absence […]
R.I.P. Guitar Hero
For a long time, we have been fans of alternative music games in the Sorg household. Back at our townhouse, we were huge fans of Dance Dance Revolution to the point that we were buying the larger, plush, pads and wearing them out. When Guitar Hero showed up on the scene, about the second one […]
Chachi Plays for Kids
Just over a month or so ago, my best friend laid out an idea for a 24 hour gamathon for charity. I am pleased to say that it came to fruition, and with a good bit of success. It was amazing to see everyone in our little social media community come out to support the […]