From Sorgatron ’08. “The difference between talking out of your ass between writing and video is that one’s a blogger, and the other is a paid pundit. Someone give me a camera.” First of all, before getting into the fun stuff, I do have to disclose that Sorgatron was invited to tonight’s debatesin Mississippi, but […]
Papuga Homework: The Junk Drawer
Once again, Miss Papuga, YOUR TEACHER, has hit us with another homework assignment. So what’s in this girl’s junk drawer? Bella opened up her drawer to look for that ring she wasn’t so sure she still had. Could it still be there? Amongst all of these trinkets? She opens the door to a cavalcade or […]
Podcam Pittsbugh 3 QA
This week, in leiu of of the usual Friday5, Dawn posted her own Podcamp Pittsburgh 3 flavored questions for all. 1. What brought you to Social Media and what keeps you hanging around? I’ve worked on projects of a “social” nature since 2001 with the birth of (then AIP Juggalos). I’ve always looked for […]
The coming of
Yeh, I kind of started using the .com months ago, and had been meaning to do a. the banner change, and b. this post, and haven’t gotten to it due to business, but here it is… Now, I mentioned my original blog in this week’s I Remember, I ended up obtaining after taking the […]
WTF Was I Thinking Video: Adventures of CD Boy!!!!
This week, I found something that wasn’t exactly a video, but I came back across when doing the I Remember post from late last night. So I figured it would be worth it to skip a Podcamp Pittsburgh related post to present to you… CD BOY!!!! More of the Adventures of CD Boy can be […]