So, this Saturday, I was awoken from a well needed Saturday morning sleep in (I love those), and was informed that wifey had a dream. A dream that she completed all of her Christmas shopping that very day. A good three weekends before Christmas. Well before we usually even start. We went to Target, which is a rarity.
I’m the least familiar with this chain, being the nearest is about 30 miles from my home town. It definitely has a different layout, and the red motif is very strong. What was surprising was the layout of the electronics with the books and DVDs/PC Games grouped together. The store just felt more labyrinthine and sectionized than anything I’d seen aside from a Sears. The weird part is all the red. Certainly not the most welcoming color to splash everywhere.
After a bout with Saturday’s short snow storm that destroyed a Pittsburgher’s ability to drive. ( now rank West Mifflin/51 area to be the worst to try to drive through in the snow in my last couple week’s experience out there.) But, of course, I was bamboozled by the wife. And we ended up briefly at the mall, and then…
I hate K-Mart. K-Marts are dirty and unorganized. They just feel like a space where they threw shelves and stuff to buy and have at it. The Electronics department is rediculous, with just stacks of games under a case in unorganized fashion.
Fact: I have never been in attendance for one of these so called “blue light specials”. I think they’re proof of an old, failed concept.
A lot of people hate the place. It treats it’s workers like crap. It undercuts and drives out other businesses. Welcome to capitalism.
And it’s king. And there’s a reason why. Even in the none “Super” store in Bridgeville, it feels spacious, clean, and I know where everything is. It doesn’t feel like the bathrooms are in a scary, long forgotten corner of the store. Stocks are plentiful. I can check my own ass out so I’m not waiting for them to find the damn UPC label that’s staring me in the face.
So, after vowing that I was going to “cut back” on my Christmas shopping experiences. Now I’ve been to the mall at least 5 times since the beginning of November, did a round early Black Friday, been to Walmart quite a few times, and still don’t have my damn tree up.
*sigh* Merry Shopmas…
and i do like this one. this cute
This stinks. Blue Light Specials Ended in 1991! You’re complaining that they don’t have something they haven’t for 27 years! And Target has a great color pattern. WalMart is the worst because they pay the worst, and have the highest profit margin! Kmarts are dirty though!