Taking 360 video to scary levels.  

360 video at The Scarehouse

From the Sorgatron Media Creators Newsletter List for October 27, 2016.  You can Subscribe to it here or read the archive.

Recently The Scarehouse released a 360 video we were experimenting with. This was one of a long line of uses for the new technology, in this case, we had on hand the Samsung Gear 360 and Ricoh Theta.

The first issue that we had was lighting.  The room was rather dark.  Hey, it’s a haunted house. Working with the staff, we determined a pretty nice lighting that came up from below the camera in the middle of the Room of Doors, lighting the subjects with a chilling effect.

After determining the sequence, we ran through with each camera a couple of times.  The Ricoh Theta won out with lighting, and ability to edit.  (Samsung gets funny when you don’t have the software installed, and there are no Mac options as of the time).  We added logos to cover up the tripod and to fade in to finish it off.

While I have some issues with some of the video quality with the hardware we used, one has to remember these videos are typically being seen in the stream on Facebook or on smartphones rather than an Oculus Rift or full screen, making the low end perfect for these scenarios.

What do you think of our scary 360?  Check out the Facebook or the Youtube version! (You can use Google Cardboard with your Youtube app!)

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