Instacontent: SnapChat, Periscope, and more ways to make content NOW! (Workshop & Webinar)

This is part of a monthly series of educational seminars covering a host of audio and video podcasting topics, as well as social media and website how-tos.  Seating is limited to allow attendees to get the most out of a small group seminar, including informal discussion with a question and answer portion. This seminar event […]

Basic Sorganomics: Coming to Grips with Vertical Video

After years of railing agains holding your phone wrong when promoting wrestling shows, sharing on social media, and more, I’m finally coming around on vertical video in light of Periscope’s horizontal upgrade and more… Follow Basic Sorganomics on Youtube, DailyMotion, Spreaker, iTunes, Stitcher or TalkShoe, or subscribe to the Sorgatron Media Master Feed on Stitcher and iTunes. MP3 Download

Basic Sorganomics: Periscope Revisited

Periscope has been on the scene for a little bit, and I’m changing up some of my experiments with it.  What is getting attention? What makes sense for businesses? I answer some questions live on the show in a rare instance from the live Periscope broadcast! Follow Basic Sorganomics on Youtube, DailyMotion, Spreaker, iTunes, Stitcher or TalkShoe, or subscribe to the Sorgatron […]

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