Last year, I answered some questions posed by Dawn Papuga via the just started OMGPittsburgh.com site. I thought they would be appropriate to re-adress, and maybe compare answers to last year.
1. What was one thing you learned at PCPGH3 that you didn’t expect to learn before the conference?
PCPGH3: SEO. I didn’t expect to delve into it as much as I did. Hadn’t it been for a chance meeting with Mike Munz at the Meet N Greet, I might not have.
PCPGH4: Some advantages of foreign Craislist lookups was the biggest. I was shown the Blackberry Bar Code system. Oh! Don’t tweet your poop from the Freek Show guys. And aparently I inspired the Day 2 morning QA session last year according to Justin Kownacki. Did I drink that much last year?
2. Podcamps are notorious for inspiring creativity and generating ideas. Did a potential project spring up for you as a result of PCPGH3?
PCPGH3: I had an idea that may be outside my technical expertise, but also determined to start the PCPGH3 Cast to post sessions, and hopefully, new content from Pittsburgh New Media to literally keep the discussion open. Aside from that, just general overhauls on all of my current projects.
PCPGH4: This year was different. I’m already in a position of shutting down some projects, and creating some new ones on the table, and knew that anything I learned from this year’s Podcamp would serve to refine those ideas, and maybe even an opportunity to bounce ideas off people to see if they stick.
3. Who is one person you met (out of the many, surely) that has moved into your Reader/RSS feed, and why?
PCPGH3: Mr. Munz and ShoutYoungstown. The latter is teaching me that Youngstown is not as scary my childhood news watching led me to believe..
PCPGH4: The biggest add is the Comic Book Pitt. I hope I didn’t stiff the Lesbian Podcaster too bad when I jumped on including the one Comic Book Podcast in my 101 session in my feed. I had a great conversation with Dan at the after party, and had a chance to listen to their most recent episode this week. Finally, a comic book show I can listen to without cringing.
Also, @drunkdude69. We had great conversations Friday and Saturday about music, content creation, and Cleveland vs Pittsburgh on many civil fronts. Definitely a cool guy I hope to run into again someday to talk some more.
4. What didn’t you get out of PCPGH3 that you wish you would have? (Session, info, topic, etc.)
PCPGH3: I actually didn’t go in with expectations (read: I didn’t look at the schedule too much in advance) But felt I learned topics that I didn’t originally intend on. It felt light on monetization, but maybe I just attended the wrong sessions.
PCPGH4: I think I looked at the schedule even less than last year. It seems the Podcasting for regular people is in decline. Maybe the guys who are going to make money, perceptively, are the ones already making money (ie. Revision3, TWIT, CNN, CNET, etc.) But we all represented as much as we could, and there were two introductory sessions. I’d love to see the blogging vs podcasting expectations of the new attendees.
5. What social media goals have you set for yourself to achieve before PCPGH4?
PCPGH3: Just to have more developed of a plan for my projects than the “seat of our pants” style we’ve been doing for the last two years.
PCPGH4:”Seat of your pants” is lessening. The new goal, already started for this year is “work on what matters most”. The projects I’m cutting are the ones that no longer have legs in my “grand scheme” of projects and content creation. Next year, I want to have something established, and be coming to Podcamp to simply find ways to make it the best it can be more than what I’ve considered.
Glad you dug our conversation. I did too. I’m pretty sure we’ll run into each other again at some point…