Back in June, I had the fortune to talk with the director of Memphis Heat, Chad Schaffler, as the film was taking a tour of theaters around the title’s region. Just the bit that I had to talk with Chad about the phenomenon of Memphis “Rasslin’” gave me a sense of the energy and excitement […]
Review: “Thank You Economy”
Over a year ago, I had the chance to real Crush It in audiobook form. You could say this was one of a few books that inspired me to make some leaps in my life. I took to the book as something of a cheerleader. I’ve listened to the book about three times now as […]
The War for Late Night
I’ve always saw the Tonight Show as one of those staple shows growing up. Carson raised my sense of humor, and I felt his leaving as one of those now rare moments in television. Since, it seems that show has been an oft battled for throne. War for Late Night is another recommendation from TWIT’s […]
Reworking Again.
It’s a week later, and I’ve managed to listen to is 1.5 times, and this was quite a different animal than Crush It. Rework starts by deconstructing business as we all know it, and suggests the way we should really go about things, or at least the ways in which 37Signals did it, and did […]
Sorg Learns to “Crush It”
While, I’m not particularly a wine connoisseur, I’ve loved everything else that I’ve heard from Gary Vaynerchuk . I’ve loved every appearance by him, whether it be on This Week in Startups, or his random videos on his own website. So when I heard he was putting out a book on the things he’s learned, I […]