Reaching Out is Part of Your Podcast

From the Sorgatron Media Creators Newsletter List for October 2, 2015.  You can Subscribe to it here or read the archive! “The easiest way for no one to see your video is post it on Youtube.” I’m paraphrasing, or that’s how I remember the quote in a presentation by Sree Sreenivasan in March at a Point Park University […]

Sorgatron Media International Podcast Day Hangout

International Podcast Day was on September 30, 2015.  And Sorgatron Media celebrated in live steams with our friends with Epicast!  Our slot included a hang out with our Podcasting friends from all over!  We talk about Podcasting, Social Media, and more! Our panel includes: Michael Sorg of Sorgatron Media Anthony Walker “Chachi”  of and Chachi […]

Basic Sorganomics: Twitter Breaking Its Limit

A story is out this week talking about Twitter possibly expanding beyond it’s 140 character limit.  What does this mean for the service and how we use it as we look back at just why we had that limit in the first place. Follow Basic Sorganomics on Youtube, DailyMotion, Spreaker, iTunes, Stitcher or TalkShoe, or subscribe to the Sorgatron Media Master Feed on Stitcher […]

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