I hope to delve a bit more on this, but today I wanted to touch on a few key examples. Professional wrestlers are their own brands. They have a personality and image to promote to the fans who want to see them, and the bookers they want to pay them for doing their show. Last […]
Makin Bacon
Today would be an…unusual…step in my career. While I had hoped to find time to work on a music video montage project for a guy, I found myself cooking breakfast for the people. My wife’s month and a half old business at Cafe Solstice had a minor setback when our cook and food manager found […]
Why we all should pay attention to Leo Laporte
It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of the TWIT network and the work of Leo Laporte ever since the good ol’ ZDTV days, and I frequent the TWIT app on my phone. I’ve attempted to emulate his Skypasaurus on my own terms (with hand me down LCDs and CRTs, unfortunately) As those that […]
Podcamp Pittsburgh 5 Registration Open!
Many of us on the Podcasts (of SorgatronMedia.com) have been longtime attendees of Podcamp Pittsburgh. Some since the very first! Well, it’s that time of year to gear up for our favorite “unconference” of the year. We hear more and more that no one does Podcamp quite like Pittsburgh. So come, learn about what’s happening […]
Spotlight: Mattress Factory
A little something I posted at PodcampPittsburgh.com. You registered yet? A couple of weeks ago, we had a chance to talk with Jeffrey Inscho at the Mattress Factory. We had a chance to talk about several of museum’s social media initiatives, dubbed Friendship Version 2.0, MyG20.org, and the Google Street View “Steet with a View” […]