Good Morning: The Circle of iDevice Life

Reuse your old iPad!  Check out how I’m using those iPad 1 devices laying around in my video production, and cooking!  How do we hand down our iPhones? What do you old with your old tech?  Is it repurposed, or sold for recycling? MP3 DownloadFollow “Good Morning” on Youtube, Spreaker, iTunes or TalkShoe, or subscribe to the Sorgatron […]

#podcastday : Using Google Hangouts to bring more people into the conversation

This week, AJ joined us from a car for the show.  Really didn’t know it at the time.  We discuss the new format we’re attempting to use Google Hangout to bring a bigger roundtable discussion to the Wrestling Mayhem Show and how I’m working it into my current Wirecast setup, and hope to get more […]

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