From the Sorgatron Media Creators Newsletter List for June 5, 2015. You can Subscribe to it here! You can Read the rest of this newsletter here! This has been a question in my head for the last week. After Google IO, Photos became it’s own site, and we keep hearing rumbles about the service being split into […]
Good Morning: Google Inbox
Google Inbox is real! And I have an invite. I give my first impressions of the new email client for Gmail. How are you organizing your email? Or are you? *Note: This was a first impression of the iPhone app. I’ve answered a few of my questions since recording. MP3 DownloadFollow “Good Morning” on iTunes or TalkShoe, or […]
It’s always interesting to see how people use social media differently. I found myself with one person making the case for me. Just take a look at the responses by our friend Frank, writer at Now, what I imagine is the product of the limited form, Twitter warrents this reaction from the same… […]
It Came From Google+: Google’s new social search
Every once in a while, I tend to spout my longer thoughts on my Google+. And they make it to blog form here: I’m starting to see the problem with search. I live in the Google ecosystem with Google+, Youtube, Gmail, and the rest. In the past week, Google unveiled some new social search […]
We’re Still Using Google Hangout
And it’s still fun! Much like my newfound love for Modern Warfar 3 on Xbox has brought some interesting social implications. We continue to do Hangouts during Monday RAW and now WWE Pay per views as of Survivor Series this week. On top of that, everyone had a mustache button! Tremendous. We’ve seen a few […]