(These last couple of weeks) in SorgCasts: What I did before vacation…

I’m back from vacation.  A very solitary vacation couped up in the house.  A beach of my couch and scores of Netflix and Hulu shows to catch up on when I wasn’t running around with last minute appointments and car fixing errands.  Better luck with vacation next time, right? Of course this meant there was […]

This Week in SorgCasts

Chachi Says 3: Bad People This week, Chachi was angry, yet brightly colored.  I wasn’t sure what to make of this one.  I don’t like angry Chachi.  But he’s still figuring out what to do with this mouthpiece position he’s created.  This is certainly something I’ve heard from him in dealing with his charity work, and I’m […]

This Week in SorgCasts: Rearrangements

Music Funtime Show 17: GMD DJLunchbox I’ve mentioned before that I’m to the point to start experimenting with this show a bit more, and this week I started the process with a “Guest Musical Direcotr” show with Will Rutherford, who’s been doing an amazing job at picking music for a long time at the Wrestling […]

This Week in SorgCasts: Internationally Renown?

AwesomeCast 11: International Incidents This was a lot of fun.  For this one, we had to move to 10 PM to accommodate a connection with an old AIP-mate from Moscow, Russia.  Tim Kirby was one of those guests that brought some personality to the show, not to mention a perspective on the topics we might have beaten […]

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