On a personal note. Well. Friday was my birthday. Number 30. The big Three OH! I wasn’t particularly “holy crap I’m old” but more “holy crap where’d those ten years go”. It was also one of those things where I’ve had my head down doing so many things in this last week, and looking toward […]
Podcasting for Purpose
Since this is aimed for a print publication that will be gracing doctor’s offices across the tri-state area, I wanted to share this with you, my faithful blog readers (Hello? Are you out there?) first. Stay tuned to (client) S’eclairer’s website for details as we get things off the ground! I have been a student […]
Things I Learned from Meeting-pa-looza
What a great day of…meetings? In my transitions to a part time freelancer, I’ve managed to carve out a whole day every week for exploring these expanding options before me and build up some clientele. Today, I was fortune enough to align that day with Chachi’s Proclamation (more on that later) and managed to hit up every standing […]
Chachi Plays for Kids
Just over a month or so ago, my best friend laid out an idea for a 24 hour gamathon for charity. I am pleased to say that it came to fruition, and with a good bit of success. It was amazing to see everyone in our little social media community come out to support the […]
This Week in SorgCasts: On Location
AwesomeCast 33: I Would Suck on a Plastic Game Piece This week, we set out to Sharp Edge Bistro on Penn *ding!* for the big event, despite the snow going on. It was a lot of fun to again have a live audience to respond to some of the discussion, especially the VeriPhone talk that […]