A couple of weeks ago, my banner of Sorgatron Media ventured into it’s first foray in representing at a Comic Con. We partnered with our fellow creative mind, Mulango of Mangtoons, and Dan of Comic Book Pitt with a plan. We decided to take a shot at the cheaper Artist Alley table for some visibility […]
A Letter to 16 Year Old ME: It’s Going to Be the Future Soon…
From: April 14, 2011 To: April 14, 1997 By way of Gmail to MailCity bypass (bottled technology, William!) Hey me! How’s it going? Don’t answer that. And don’t give me credit for that inventive title. Someone else wrote it. Anyways, I thought about everything going on, and all of the cool toys we’ve been playing […]
A Word on Music Funtime ~or~ Striking the Balance
Oh, Music Funtime Show. How I dig thee. It’s one of those shows that’s been more of a labor of love than anything. I started the social thing on the vehicle of music fandom, did some rapping, put out an album, and continued to do shows and interviews around it, but alas, you have to […]
“It’s not a DVR” ~or~ “TV Stations are Asshole”
I seriously think that my ventures into the online world of watching television are affecting my wife. We have not had a DVR in our house since about this time in 2009. We lived on that thing. Time shifting all of our favorite programming to our hearts content. I remember managing most of what I […]
My New Tumblog Addiction
I’m always brainstorming some little weird things I could do with the internet. Last week’s Project Sit on the Floor should be proof of that. This one tracks back to two Saturdays ago as I sat there at the dining room table with Missy and Veronica chilling out after a night out for my birthday. […]