Here’s where we have some speed bumps. We’ve talked about the detachment. We’ve talked about conventional free television. Now we get into the part that makes this move more exciting these days. IPTV.
Pentium 4 ~ 2.4 Ghz
512 MB RAM
Geforce 6200
Windows XP Professional SP3
Performance is key. If you’re sitting there and the framerate drops, or the resolution is worse than standard definition, you may have some issues enjoying your programs. When watching some shows from (Smallville, Reaper) there was no problem. But the videos didn’t run full wide screen, and a small player was installed into Internet Explorer. DailyMotion worked for the wrestling videos I catch up on. TNA Wrestling’s feed from SpikeTV’s site ran well enough. But Hulu. The big seller for this method, had issues. It was watchable, but Dennis Leary is sort of jerky as he bitches about the trials of a fireman. Finally, Hulu just released the new desktop player, with specs that outweighed what I had available as far as a spare computer.