Wrestling Mayhem Show 190: Will Humble You

From WrestlingMayhemShow.com Sorg and DJLunchbox level a barrage of Voicemails and Fanmails at the beginning of the show and answer some tough questions.  Then, we are joined by “The Passion” John Thorne to educate ourselves on Absolute Intense Wrestling in Cleveland, and their next show, Dragged to Hell, on October 23.  LB then breaks the news on […]

Wrestling Mayhem Show 189: Psycho Sexual Mayhem

Mayhem is fresh out of session at this past weekend’s Podcamp Pittsburgh 5 with new friends, new stories, and a new passion to give  you all the mayhem you can handle.  First, we wade through the piles of fanmail and voicemail before handing it off to talk to Shiima Xion, the current International Wrestling Cartel Champion, and […]

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