I Have Video! But where do I put it? 

International Wrestling Cartel Video with Tommy Dreamer and Rhino

From the Sorgatron Media Creators Newsletter List for April 24, 2015.  You can Subscribe to it here! You can Read the rest of this newsletter here!

If you asked me this question a year ago, I would say Youtube.  Period.

But things have become a little more interesting in 2015.

Facebook has grown into a considerable platform for putting video.  If you already have a Facebook Page for your brand, non-profit, or Podcast, it could really help add some dynamic content.

Here at Sorgatron Media, we’ve aimed to push all of our videos already made for Youtube to our brand pages.  Thanks to Facebook really “pushing” rich media, more of our posts get seen in the News Feed, and receive much more traffic.  For our friend with International Wrestling Cartel, we’ve seen about 4x the views on Facebook over Youtube on recent promotional videos for the big Night of the Superstars 4 event we’ve been pushing the DVD/Digital release for.

Could this change?  Sure.  Facebook has been a big fan of showing us the possibilities of it’s platform and taking it away with algorithms and making you pay for the same results you used to achieve organically.  But this is a growing platform right now that you can take advantage of to grow your audience and get your message out there.

You should also be aware of differences in stats.  Remember that Facebook auto plays videos seen on the timeline.  This can give you an unrealistic look at your numbers.  But it’s also an opurtunity to load the beginning of that video with something that will draw unintentional viewers into what you’re doing as they scroll through their newsfeed on computers and phones.

If you’re big on longer videos, like I am for Wrestling Mayhem Show, remember that you are limited to 40 minutes for each video, so plan and adjust accordingly!

Do you think Facebook video can help you?  Have any more questions?  Let me know!

Recommended listening: Daily Tech News Show – Great discussion on Facebook’s video growth and possibilities.
What do you want me to cover in future newsletters?  Let me know here!

Here’s what we have this week: Read the rest of this newsletter here!

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