A little something I did for Podcamp Pittsburgh: So, you’re new to the social media scene. You’re Twittering, blogging, and doing fine. But how do you meet more people with a penchant for being social? That’s where the Pittsburgh TweetUp group comes in. This is a free (for the moment) Ning group where all things […]
The Awful Show. The Worst Podcast of All Time.
…but in a good way…. A few years ago, I happened across a show called The Awful Show. It was no holds barred talk and music from some guys around Pennsylvania and a fellow in Colorado, and “a cast of thousands”. At the time, I was neck deep in technology and wrestling podcasts and needed […]
Yeah. It’s kind of like that.
It’s been since about 2001 when I last crowd surfed. I started to refrain after I’m pretty sure I might have severely ruined someone’s night at a Club Laga show featuring ICP. So it brought back some great memories, and was really cool to see the likely first live streamed crowd surf featuring Leo Laporte.
Sorg Learns to “Crush It”
While, I’m not particularly a wine connoisseur, I’ve loved everything else that I’ve heard from Gary Vaynerchuk . I’ve loved every appearance by him, whether it be on This Week in Startups, or his random videos on his own website. So when I heard he was putting out a book on the things he’s learned, I […]
This Design Sux!
I’m a person that hates change. That new Facebook layout? Are you kidding me? It’s all Web 2.0-ish and the icons at the top. I can’t stand it. I’ve started fan pages 300,000 people strong that think like me. Why doesn’t Facebook listen? Google rescinded on Buzz not even a week after launch! I don’t […]