I was bouncing around the blogosphere, catching up with life in general, now that I’ve completed a completely insane project. So I wonder over to Chris Brogan’s blog and discover this “Blog Day“. Let’s participate.
- Chris Brogan. I met this guy at the first Podcamp Pittsburgh and followed up with reading his blog. This guy is out there practicing what he preaches in social networking. The insight on what the net is doing for people and what you can do forself is immeasurable.
- Cafe Witness. Justin Kownacki’s blog. Also insightful, from a guy that left the daily grind to pursue his passion in New Media.
- Honorable Mention. These are actually people I have just recently met, or got to know better, at Podcamp Pittsburgh 2 a couple weeks ago. And still feeling out.
- My blog n’at. That crazy bastard, fatherspoon, from Should I Drink That.
- MonkeysRunFree. The title had me (CRAP = monkeyflingspoo.com). This is by Jesse of the Creative Treehouse, and co-bacn founder.
- Locobone’s Periphery. Another fellow from PP2 I heard as legend, and ended up being a fan of my own show.
- Lyrique Tragedy. Another crazy Podcamp partier that is into books, education, and drinking. Enough for me…
- Star Dot Star Comics. The home of Josh Sager, who’s always under the next tech rock in this city, it seems.
Well, that’s more than I have time for in a day…