It’s been a few weeks since I last updated on how this “Great TV Experiment” was going. I’ve learned along the way, and seen others follow in my footsteps, or at least deeply consider it. And twice last week, I was asked “so how’s it going?”
Really, I don’t think I’ve noticed. Somehow, I watch just as much television as I did before, though more varied, and my watching feels more mobile. In this last week, I’ve been rather sick and avoided any holiday festivities, instead resting and exploring my outlets with Netflix and PlayOn. This was a godsend with the networks showing “paid programming” and other indigestable content during the off hours. Instead, I trucked through Seasons 1 and 2 of the IT Crowd, and Season 2 of Dexter and a few movies queued up.
Even over the last few days, I’ve found myself picking up on other series, throwing on Seaquest, something I’ve watched ages ago in its first run, to doze off a nap to. I’ve been watching the recently discovered Avatar series for something a little different, and to see what all of the fuss is about that they decided to do a movie trilogy about it.