Podcamp Pittsburgh 9 is in the can! I look back at the weekend, the amazing effort to put it together on short notice, and why you should go even if you consider yourself an expert. MP3 Download Follow “Good Morning” on iTunes or TalkShoe, or subscribe to EVERYTHING Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.
Good Morning: Return of WPAJ?
In which I contemplate the place for a community web site for the Juggalos in an age of Social Media. MP3 Download Follow “Good Morning” on iTunes or TalkShoe, or subscribe to EVERYTHING Podcast on iTunesor Stitcher.
Year in Review. Done for me with Social Media
Usually I like to pull together a little bit of a year in review post, but this year, I noticed most of Social Media I use did it for me. The first was Google+, which did the first “Auto-Awesome Movie” I’ve seen. It pulls pictures and video from my auto uploades, and presumably, what I’ve […]
Podcamp 8
Eight iterations ago, a coworker came from Boston to proclaim this new concept called “Podcamp”. It was an exciting idea in an exciting time of New Media and the precursor to what we know now as Social Media, really. Blogs, Podcasts, and making something for your self in this new world of the online. 8 […]
So You Want to Be a Podcaster?
From the Sorgatron Media Newsletter from February 14, 2013. Podcasting is still alive and kicking, and getting even bigger with household names like Kevin Smith, Adam Corolla and Chris Hardwick getting in on the action. But it’s still a tremendously accessible thing for anyone to get into as a platform. When it started, iTunes was the […]