Social Media Makes Money….

405881_295344890521448_590682634_nFrom the Sorgatron Media Newsletter from February 7, 2013

Social Media Makes Money…for art programs…  This weekend, we endeavor on my favorite endeavor of the year.  Chachi Plays for Kids!

It’s 24 hours of my buddy Chachi playing video games to raise money for charity for the third year.  While the feat is a little nutty and tongue in cheek, the accomplishement is quite real.  In the past, we’ve raise thousands for Make Room for Kids and art programs for underprivileged youth.

And it’s all due to social media.

In the past two years, we didn’t do too much in seeking big media coverage.  We tweeted every day and posted videos online, doing what we can to spread the word.  And I still think it’s a testament to what we can do online for good.

So what goal do you have?  Can social media help make it happen and grow even bigger?

Have any topic or questions you would like covered on the Tip of the Week?  Drop a line to [email protected] with the subject :TIP OF THE WEEK!
Updated Take:

It’s funny that I wrote this before we embarked on Chachi Plays this year…and ended up on all three network news programs over the weekend.

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