It’s been a long weekend of hospitals, traveling, and hot wings. So lets put our observation hat on today.
- Ever have an issue where you’re not quite sure you have the change for a toll road? Well that happened, and the Missfit was feeling adventurous. We did pretty ok, thanks in part to Google Maps. Not like the horrid detour where we ended up in Volant, PA three times on the way to Sorgstock one year…still need to write a song about that…
- Did I just get swine flu (dammit, it’s still swine flu to me) for like 2 hours today? Maybe I’m just sick of work…
- We learned this weekend that when you setup the Mayhem hotline using Google Voice, you make sure they don’t direct to your wife’s cell phone so she gets random calls from complete strangers expecting a voicemail while we’re in the hospital.
- And speaking of hospitals, it never fails that I watch ER or Scrubs while I’m attending one.
- Flash is technically on the iphone, and I found out Google Wave is full of Firefly references. It’s been a GGD (Good Geek Day).
- Last week, I had the fortune to be asked to attend a portfolio review at Pittsburgh Technical Institute. It was a good time to bounce critiques off of some fellow professionals. Should be making an appearance at the student show this week, workload permitting.
- There’s something called Podcamp Pittsburgh going on later this week. They say I’ve been at the last three, and I’ve posted some videos and interviews over there. But that must be the drugs talking…