A wee bit late. But I started writing this somewhere in my busy Friday! Here we go…
- When you go to the beach, lake, or pool, are you more likely to lower yourself gradually into cold water or to take a determined plunge and get it over with?
I do recall when I was younger, I would do the slower, creeping method. In time, when I became a bit bolder in general, I would just jump in and get on with it. - How is this like (or unlike) your approach to other tasks or ordeals?
I do recall when I was younger, I would do the slower, creeping method. In time, when I became a bit bolder in general, I would just jump in and get on with it. - When someone gives you flowers, are you more likely to let them turn completely brown and gross before throwing them out, or to discard them the moment they take on that sick-flower look?
I hold on to them as long as I can. I take much stock in gifts and hate to throw things away. - How is this like (or unlike) your approach to other gifts, purchases, or relationships?
I typically hang on to things of sentimental value, or that I just think are neat. For instance, I held onto some computer parts far past any life of usability because I considered them a bit of a history lesson of computers. I finally convinced myself to give them to Goodwill. I am a bit of a pack rat that way. - Think of your favorite movie (or a movie you really like, if you can’t think of a favorite). Some people say that the reasons you love your favorite movie are
related to what you value in romantic relationships. How is this true or untrue in your case?
Really? Because my favorite would have to be Ghostbusters. It has comedy, supernatural, science. So I value funny, smart dead girls? No wonder I’m into Insane Clown Posse…
Well that was a weird one too…So much these things reveal about us…
Who Else is Friday 5-ing? (You know you want to join us…)
*As always, the Friday 5 questions were taken from Friday5.org. If you join the fun, be sure to let me know so I can add you to the link list! And don’t forget to send those questions in that you’re itching for us to answer! Don’t worry, we’ll gladly pimp your blog for the effort.