Digital Greetings

Don’t tell anyone, but today’s my birthday. My 28th trip around, to be exact.

So I woke up. Went to my job. Didn’t really want to be to big about it. I was expecting an unspectacular day doing unspectacular things at work. We didn’t really plan anything, as we are apt to do most years, and I was content with it passing by without incident.

But then they started trickling in. Little by little.

And a flood happened.

More than 25 happy birthdays hit my Facebook page. I’ve never seen a happy birthday cavelcade like this. They came from my New Media friends, old High School buddies, local professional wrestlers, coworkers, etc. But some stuck out.

David Redd You, sir, are an INSPIRATION!!!

You breed creativity and violence.

You pilot 2 hours of mayhem EVERY W EEK!!

You have been known to lock horns with some So-Rog fella.

But there is ONE day out of the year in which you are no longer invincible!

and that is today! The day of your BIRTH!


PS. Happy Birthday Little Buddy

And old standbys I always dig…

Will Rutherford To Sorgatron, Lord and master of the onyx microphone, the one and only transistorized manbeast! A very happy birthday to you, my partner in digital crime!

To the bi-lingual…

Michelle Hammons As Dora would say, Feliz cumpleaños!

And even a big Twitter from Social Media’s biggest rock star…
chrisbrogan Happy Birthday to @sorgatron , who is passionate about pro wrestling, and is a great guy to know.
So what did we learn today? That Social Media friends means no one forgets your birthday. Thanks everyone, for the warmest B-day reception I think I can recall.

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