From Sorg Mad Mike, wrestlefan, and eventually DJLunchbox are representing the corners of our half of the country validly as we tackle the issues of the day, including the new Smackdown vs RAW 2010 game, Wrestlicious, the DragonGate USA & Ring of Honor WrestleMania plans, Hulk Hogan’s impact on TNA, Samoa Joe pontificating the […]
PCPGH Video: Podcasting 101 Hutch of Burghseyeview and Wrestling Mayhem Show
From Podcamp Pittsburgh: Hutch of Burghseyeview and Sorg and Will from Wrestling Mayhem Show talk about starting your Podcast. You can subscribe to our video or audio feed in itunes to make sure you get all of the content as it comes out. You can also follow us on, TalkShoe, or right here on […]
Wrestling Mayhem Show 191: Halloween Mayhem
Sorg Mad Mike, and DJLunchbox are here and dressed for the Halloween occasion. We talk about the new Hulk Hogan announcement, the fallout from UFC 104, WWE Bragging Rights, and the rest of the wrestling news. This is Episode 191 for Tuesday, October 27, 2009. You can get the episode here on Talkshoe, subscribe, and […] is not your friend…
As many of you already know, back on WMS 185, I had a run in with TNACallsYou, and hence,, and, well, everything can be explained in this letter I just sent to several relevant email addresses over at TNA Wrestling…. Update: After sending the following letter to TNA’s info and lisencee emails I found […]
Wrestling Mayhem Show 190: Will Humble You
From Sorg and DJLunchbox level a barrage of Voicemails and Fanmails at the beginning of the show and answer some tough questions. Then, we are joined by “The Passion” John Thorne to educate ourselves on Absolute Intense Wrestling in Cleveland, and their next show, Dragged to Hell, on October 23. LB then breaks the news on […]