I’m on AT&T and I don’t have a problem with it. I’ve had my share of service hiccups and bad customer service, but who hasn’t. I don’t know a single wireless carrier where I haven’t met someone who has issues with their service. Two have Twitter/text issues with Sprint. T-Mobile has no 3G in Pittsburgh. […]
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-30
@myzterynsneek al recovering in reply to myzterynsneek # OH: "I thought bats eat fruit?!" # Jeff thinks an anteater is eating his garbage… # 12seconds – "I seen an anteater.." http://tiny12.tv/4IE9D # @ZackRyder …sadly missing from this ppv. in reply to ZackRyder # I'd come back if they gave me a tank too.. #dx #wwe […]
I suck at Legos.
Well, not at Lego Indiana Jones. No one can suck at that game. But as I grew up, I wasn’t one of those kids who was “great” with the Legos. I was the kid that made what was on the box. I didn’t tend to get creative with my Lincoln Logs either. Maybe it was […]
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-23
Really? Was Madballs something from my childhood that needed resurrected? http://sn.im/qkul2 # Anyone following the G20 in Pittsburgh situation who would like to be on a social media roundtable/podcast (or know someone_? DM me # Mario Kart Lunch ftw # Happy birthday to @thesilentninja !! He's 21 today and has a whole lifetime of alcohol […]
Why He’s Been Silent
Because we haven’t gotten him drunk enough yet…. Purple Haze. @thesilentninja’s first drink!! on 12seconds.tv>/center> Tonight was the celebration of my younger brother’s 21 years on this earth. We almost had to force feed him the drinks, and I can’t imagine he’s going to be much of a drinker, but this means a new level […]