This weekend, I’m embarking on a last minute decision to visit New York City on a 10 hour bus ride. Some may think I’m crazy. And I may never want to see a bus again after this, but I’ll do it. And here’s why… The nightlife. The bars close at 4 AM! Or something like […]
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-15
Whatever is on SyFy (blech) right now has some hilarious use of miniatures…. # anyone ever play with MythTV? Looking for DVR alternatives. Mythbuntu looks promising… # I'm in a Tim Horton's drive thru. Layer's TH Locater disagrees… # NY trip complete… # Just came across a major accidnet on I86, tuen buzzed by […]
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-08
Jonathan Coulton at Rex Dec 5. Who's in? # Good day of Guitar Hero and lunch out with @rebelliousflaw # The Princess Bride FTW # Thanks to @jacksonlewis and @lyriquetragedy, I was up way too late reading DC's Blackest Night series. They've shown me the error of my ways # (getting into the cause) We […]
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-01
Wait. My car can email me? #fordcommercial # @DjLunchbox so it's like the South Side here in Pittsburgh…. in reply to DjLunchbox # @DjLunchbox so nothing like the South Side… in reply to DjLunchbox # Did Tomlin just throw a "Nation" fist in the air??? # RT @sportsocracy Little known fact, he's Farooq's 3rd cousin, […]
24. WPAJ Radio
Dr. Espling always told me I had something with this site, and I always took it with a grain of salt. That I had something that the groups would want to promote through, something to make the site bigger. One day, in September 2006, I received an email from about interviewing some Suburban Noize artists. […]