LB and The Sorg Morning Afternoon Power Hour 16

The guys discuss being busy, sketch bet and the Independent Comic Books panel come together, creative outlets, Sorgatron Media moving into a new coworking space, and announcing for Miracle League of South Western PA. On Being Creative with Ira Glass Quit Besomebody Miracle League of Southwestern PA What is making you happy? Email us at […]

Basic Sorganomics: Bad Robin

Note:  This may be offensive to those sensitive to food issues.  Don’t listen while eating.  In a throwback to our original concept of this show, we’re working through some of my issues as I had some bad restaurant encounters over the weekend. Follow Basic Sorganomics on Youtube, DailyMotion, Spreaker, iTunes, Stitcher or TalkShoe, or subscribe to the Sorgatron Media Master Feed on Stitcher and […]

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