Basic Sorganomics: Still Snappy

Taking a follow up look at Snapchat.  What are we making?  What are we interacting with now on the platform? What’s Snappening?  Have you been doing anything new with Snapchat since our last talk?   MP3 Download Follow “Good Morning” on Youtube, Spreaker, iTunes Stitcher or TalkShoe, or subscribe to the Sorgatron Media Master Feed on iTunes or Stitcher.

Good Morning: Evolution of a Podcast

The only constant is change.  I look back at the development of this show, and others on the network. What are you liking about the changes so far?  Do you like the possible name given in this cast for a change? MP3 DownloadFollow “Good Morning” on Youtube, Spreaker, iTunes Stitcher or TalkShoe, or subscribe to the Sorgatron Media […]

Good Evening: YouTube Ads Debacle

So, you’ve heard the Youtube Explosion as they updated their product placement ads in your Youtube videos.  And…my…Youtube videos.  Some quick thoughts… And be sure to check out’s take on the situation. MP3 DownloadFollow “Good Morning” on Youtube, Spreaker, iTunes or TalkShoe, or subscribe to the Sorgatron Media Master Feed on iTunes or Stitcher.

Good Morning: Let’s Snapchat

I’m FINALLY diving into Snapchat.  But why?  I’m still trying to figure that out. What do think of Snapchat?  Are you, or someone you know, doing something interesting on the platform? Follow “Sorgatron” on Snapchat.     MP3 Download Follow “Good Morning” on Youtube, Spreaker, iTunes or TalkShoe, or subscribe to the Sorgatron Media Master Feed on iTunes or Stitcher.

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