I’m back from vacation. A very solitary vacation couped up in the house. A beach of my couch and scores of Netflix and Hulu shows to catch up on when I wasn’t running around with last minute appointments and car fixing errands. Better luck with vacation next time, right? Of course this meant there was […]
The Social Network
Thursday evening, I got the opportunity to catch a free screening of The Social Network. A movie that intrigued me thanks to my interests in all things Podcampy. So I set out with my favorite trio of wife and Chachi to get our cinema on. One of the first surprises was, of all things, the […]
Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Every so often, a movie truely surprises me. Scott Pilgrim was a movie I saw previewed a few months ago that peked my interest, but I may have been to pass off that it wouldn’t be done right. And there’s a lot of danger when you adapt material like this. After the fact, I found […]
The Last Whatnow?
This is the part where I sound like the worse of fan boys. But there’s something missing here. Something that got me into this series in the first place. Something that I’m amazed that someone as accomplished, Happening-be-damned, as M.Night Shyamalan could have missed. I’ve never been so fan boy about something as this, but […]
R.I.P. Showcase West
Just the other night, while I was hanging out at the Double Wide for @Kdudder’s birthday, I saw on the television a story about that being the last night Showcase West would be open. To some, that place may represent the style and shape of a long-forgotten type of cinema now with all of the […]