Recently, my wife signed me up for the fantastic LootCrate subscription swag service that’s been making noise around here. Chachi has had his for a bit, and we’ve featured it on more than one episode of Let’s Play. Well, I finally had my chance, and when I started opening it and saw the call to […]
Help Sorg Become an Explorer…with his face…
UPDATE: I’ve taken down the “donations” in light of Google’s interesting “no sharing” policy we’re seeing with the latest batch of Google Glass’ers. But this isn’t over yet…. I’ve been offered a bit of a proposition, it seems. I was sitting down for a Wheeling Nailers game with my buddy Saturday night when I […]
Let Me Tell You About Matti…
Let me tell you about a friend. This friend was a kindred spirit. We encountered each other in a chance seating arrangement in a history class of some sort I was put in when I switched to a new school. He could have been classified as peculiar. But I always gravitated to the fellow peculiars […]
Sorg’s Cloud
One of the things I say time and time again is that I could not think of how I could do all of the independent work that I do without technology as it is today. The smoothness that we can share files of great sizes across high bandwidths has opened up the clouds (heh) to a lot […]
So you need a new RSS Reader?
From the Sorgatron Media Newsletter from March 14, 2013. So you need a new RSS Reader? The big news this week was the abrupt announcement that Google Reader was going to disappear this summer. This had already setup out for a flurry of replacements stepping up, and most that I tried the night of the announcement overrun […]