My dish man arrived Sunday afternoon and installed my new oval decoration on my front porch, and I now watch WWE RAW on my nice new Dish system. And as I pondered this today, Missy helped me realize, I had been getting TV from satellites all the time. I just cut out the middle man […]
I found the hip hop!
Over a year ago, I was on my message board and proclaimed “Where’s the hip hop in Pittsburgh?” in my vain attempts at finding someplace for our little rap group to play. And finally, I think I found a few promising places. Now, granted, CRAP isn’t your “typical” hip hop/rap group. Hell I don’t […]
CRAP TV hits with some quickies!!!
We finally got some CRAP – based videos over on the YouTube from Sorgstock. enjoy!! Monkey Flings PooCell Block 6 Big Daddy Shit “Dicktoad Sweetass”
What entertains me now…
In an effort to entertain myself, well, I write this blog. And the subject of the day… Should it be helpful? Should it be thought provoking? How about how your Tivo/DVR effects your psyche. How, you may ask? See, the DVR seems to be a painful balancing act. You go through months of the “regular […]
"This is Sorg’s Life Part 3: Up ’till now"
Well, I guess I should finish this blogography concept. I left Greenville in 2000 as I graduated. Well, not really. I quit my job at the Country Club and got one at the local Greenville Perkins, working weekends as I attended classes during the week at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. While that only last […]