Sorg, Silent Ninja, Doc Remedy and DJ Lunchbox are on and fueled up on caffeine! Part 1 We talk RAW, Wrestlemania, and contend with a hopping chat room. Part 2 We hit the fan mail, Stoke Monkey Returns, and we talk Chachi about his platform and Norm of the StromHuelsmans Podcast about the challenges of […]
Yay Twitter!
Flashback. The power of Twitter continues to amaze me… So lets roll with this list thing again…. Top 5 Reasons Twitter is awesome… 1. Ghostbusters Night. It rose from the depths and madness of Twitter on a fateful Tuesday morning as everyone when Ghostubusters avatar/quote crazy. Maybe two hours later, a screening was planned at […]
Official Clinton Statement
From I just want to make one thing clear… I am not Hillary Clinton. I know. I know. We were not in the city at the same time. And some people think I may be dressing up as Mrs. Clinton to sabotage her campaign. Yes. I was out of town for my nephew’s wrestling […]
Return to the Homestead
This evening, now after I join the mirth of a Ghostbusters screening, I return hom for the first time in almost three months. It seems my trips home are becoming fewer and farther between. So. In the spirit of all this damned lists I see on Will’s Blog, here’s a list on top reasons to […]
The Power of the Vote!!!
Via At the Sorgatron ’08 headquarters, we believe in democracy, and we believe in real change. And in this vein, we should point out that our good friend Justin Kownacki, and his Something To Be Desired web show, a high money contributer of this campaign (he bout me a sandwich once. Good man) suggest […]