This may have logged in as the second longest interview we’ve done for (seconded only by Jury the Clown, if I recall correctly). But I had a chance to sit down and have a conference call with JPK, Pantz, and Kegs of 40 Drop Records. I came across these guys by talking with Fabulous […]
Wrestling Mayhem Show 119: Zen and the Cripple Cart
Doc Remedy and Lunchbox via Skype rocking the show! Part 1 We talk wrestling news, RAW, Xin Sarith Azuma Phan Wuku, “Zen” of American Gladiators. Part 2 We cover the fan mail and discuss some wrestling, and have a grand old time. This is Episode 119 for Tuesday, June 3, 2008. You can get the […]
WTF Was I Thinking Video: Hollywood Balds
I guess I didn’t do one last week with everything going on, so here we go. I was feeling a little musical this week. This was a music video/highlight reel commissioned for the Hollywood Balds using their entrance, “BALD” by The Darkness, that I put together back in December. Hollywood Balds consist of “Deeeelicious” Jimmy […]
Juggalos and New Media
When I started getting into the Juggalo community, around 2000, I noticed a trend that we all embraced the internet and grew strong. ICP has garnered an online following that, I’m sure, suppresses their need to invest in “traditional” means of advertising. How many tours and albums are released with an internet push, almost alone, […]
WPAJ Interview: Trifecta!
It was a marathon, but we have three new interviews up on the WPAJ Interview Feed! First, one of three groups debuting at Sorgstock Spring Edition in just over a week, Poetically Gifted Honkeys. Check them out at Next, another Pittsburgh talent, we talk with Sikes about his debut album, his rock band, Cassonova […]