Remedy, Sorg, Mayhem Missy, Lunchbox, and Silent Ninja get crazy and start covering the studio with toilet paper left from the Glassport show Friday! Plus, we actually cover all of the wrestling shows and the UFC pay per view, thanks to Mad Mike’s call ins! And be sure to check out the Episode 129 Xtra, […]
What’s Coming Up?
First off, we just got on the bill, actually as CRAP this time, at the Sewickly Legion. Saturday, September 20Sewickly Legion 246 Broad Street, Sewickly, PAThe Steel City Squad Myztery-N-Sneek Paul Hammond Hawk Jr MaZe Pittsburgh Ghost We will have tickets available soon for $5. Stay Tuned! And then October 2-5 is Con on the […]
Should I Wrestle That: Park Bench
It’s back from the 4th of July celebration leftovers, and with a brand new intro, I give you Should I Wrestle That!!!
Friday 5
A little late getting it in, but here’s last Friday’s 5… In Citizen Kane, the main character’s last word before dying is “Rosebud,” which is discovered later to be the name of a favorite childhood sled. The idea is that this rich, powerful, hated man, in his last moment, finds himself thinking of happy, innocent […]
Fave 5: Local Music Favorites
I posted yesterday’s video and realized how much I dig that song. So I thought I would present a Top 5 favorite songs from people I know personally doing music in the Steel City. emcee lb “Thoughtful Nature of Man” ~ Aside from the Wrestling Mayhem Show theme, this was the first full song that […]