1. What’s something really, really stupid you’ve done that could easily have resulted in your own death? Stepped in front of a bus when I was downtown for the first time for orientation. Whoops. 2. What makes you feel stupid?Talking about something that happened recently, only to realize I’m talking to someone who was there […]
WTF Was I Thinking Video: President of New Jersey
With the advent of the latest, revealing, Stoke Monkey interview for Podcamp Pittsburgh 3, I thought we would go back to April this year, when we first learned about his Presidency of New Jersey. This was a special on location broadcast of the Wrestling Mayhem Show at the Creative Treehouse after a Podcamp meeting. This […]
Review: OPM "Golden State of Mind"
My latest review (though really late). I also have an Unwritten Law“Live & Lawless” CD/DVD I’m currently looking over that should be posted soon! OPM hasn’t gone anywhere since “Heaven is a Halfpipe” that many enjoyed on the radio seemingly ages ago. They still put out albums, and still push the California sound with their […]
Wrestling Mayhem Show 130: Thoughtful C*** Ring
Sorg, Lunchbox, and V-Ron hold down the show. Covering Summerslam, some TNA, IWC Newville Knockout, and more! Then we are joined by the Weekly Features as a whole for the first time in months!!! Chad the Shad scopes the new studio and takes issue with the new Mayhem Owl. Tune in for the truest sense […]
I Remember Road Trips
People seemed to like when I did this on early PC video gaming last week. So maybe this is weekly feature worthy (not like that, Remedy). This week, lets stay with this road trip idea I remember picking up and leaving for Niagara Falls, and returning the next morning as the sun roseI remember the […]