WPAJ Interview: Hip Hop Buffet Season 3 Vol. 9 Part 1

I talked with several of the artists represented at the Hip Hop Buffet Showcase being put on byJPBTV.com back on December 7.  The first in a series of interviews. This episode: Myndblowa and Melle Mel, PAoff Records,Matt Jones, and Capitol L.  I will have a few more interviews out in the coming weeks, and be sure to check out […]

I Remember The Evolution of Online Gaming

I remember when the internet wasn’t in our living roomsI remember when multiplayer meant taking turns at Super Mario Bros. I remember getting Quake to work I remember the delay when you hit shoot I remember buying Khali to play Duke and Starcraft online easier I remember Unreal Tournament blowing the doors off online gaming I […]

Wrestling Mayhem Show 147: Merry Mayhem Xmas

The Mayhem Crew celebrates Christmas with poetry and singing material from the fans! They also talk about their experiences with the live RAW in Pittsburgh, PA the night before. And don’t forget to check out the mini-Mayhem from the streets of Pittsburgh that very night! This is Episode 147 for Tuesday, December 16, 2008. You […]