It’s time to reassess your online marketing and distribution plan

From the Sorgatron Media Creators Newsletter List for January 8, 2016.  You can Subscribe to it here or read the archive! Well it’s 2016.  You made those resolutions.  What needs changed? If you have been working on an online presence for a while my yourself, it may be a good time to do an audit. When we […]

Basic Sorganomics: Resolutions

Sorg breaks down the internal accomplishments in business in 2015 and the goals for 2016. How are you going to make a real change this year? Follow Basic Sorganomics on Youtube, DailyMotion, Spreaker, iTunes, Stitcher or TalkShoe, or subscribe to the Sorgatron Media Master Feed on Stitcher and iTunes. MP3 Download

Basic Sorganomics: Santa Sorg

Sorg discusses his day handing out cookie packages for Sorgatron Media clients and AwesomeCast Executive Producers in the Pittsburgh area.  Why go out of your way for the people who make your company? Check out the #SantaSorg posts and videos here! Follow Basic Sorganomics on Youtube, DailyMotion, Spreaker, iTunes, Stitcher or TalkShoe, or subscribe to the Sorgatron Media Master Feed on Stitcher and iTunes. […]

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