You Don’t Need Google Helpouts

Google HelpoutI love the idea of Google Helpouts.  It’s a site that curates helpers that are using the impressive Google Hangouts technology to connect…sometimes for a fee.

But you really don’t need it.   Google Helpouts will let you be an expert (pending their vetting and approval) and take 20% off the top.

All of the tools are there for you to do the same thing to give computer support, fitness assistance and more.   This was an early thought with Google Hangouts, but it’s not exclusive.

Last year, I helped a local Yoga instructor in a concept of doing sessions over Skype.  This was my introduction to the workout (leading to my current DDPYoga adventure).   You just need a few things:

  • Video chat client of choice:  This could be Skype, Google Hangout, or plenty of other methods.  You could really use Facetime if you wanted.  But it needs to be something most people have.  Whatever lowers the barrier.
  • Payment method:  You can use Paypal, Amazon Payments, or Google Wallet to easily take credit cards.
  • Time to get leads:  Whether you’re cultivating a following you already have from a brick and mortar operation, Twitter followers, or standard word of mouth.

And that’s where you may be more than happy to chuck 20% at Google.  Notice how much Google services top out search results over other results.  How many times do you go to Google to ask it a question like “How do I install a video card?”  Maybe now beside the YouTube videos and how to articles, you will get a pop up on the right letting you know someone is available right now to step you through the process.

Amazon released Mayday for the Kindle Fire a recently promising a live person within seconds of you needing them to help with your device on your device.  This seems to be Google’s attempt at a broader version of this.

What do you think of Google Helpouts?  Do you think you will use, or try to provide a service through it?  


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