Early on on our newer Freelance4Real podcast, we were talking about our brands and how we market ourselves. A quick Google search for Mike Sorg or Michael Sorg reveals a problem (make sure to logout of Google or other providers since they use my social networks to point everything at myself. ) While I’m not stuck with the name Smith, it may be the German equivelent.
Either search will lead you to my name connected with a pianist, realators, and even a fellow who’s, ironically “Head of New Media” for a company in Germany at one point. It’s a little bit of a quagmire for me since I’ve had involvement with “New Media” and music ventures. Though never real estate.
Enter “Sorgatron”. A name given to me by my cohorts of the Wrestling Mayhem Show, lead by the diabolical Will Rutherford, in naming me for all the tech I surrounded myself with making the shows happen. It’s become my online monicor. Thankfully one much better than the Red Hot Chilli Pepper inspired “sirpsychosexy”.
I still own the .net for that one…
So what does this moniker do for me?
Uniqueness. Well let’s be honest. Michael isn’t an exciting, nor memorable, name. And simply being referred to as Sorg as my friends often do may become confusing, and unfair to the rest of my family as I branch out. In fact, even my wife, who took my name, still calls me Sorg instead of my first name. You may get a lot of variation from my name, but “Sorgatron” usually leads back to me. There are years of videos, blog posts, and more connected to that name. It’s handy.
To be honest, it wasn’t a conscience decision to begin with. It took a while to embrace the name, but I always liked having a minikor online. That’s sort of been part of it. And it continues today as I know people that I refer to in such loving ways as “Crappy” or “Spoon” or whatever other descriptive term or object. But I’m sure our motivations vary…
So I am Sorgatron. Not a pianist. Not a super cool German dude doing something similar. I make Podcasts about wrestling, tech, and the like.
And I hope I’m having the most fun…
I think Sorg is all i’ve ever called you
At least its a bit more creative than putting a period in your name…