Try Some Stuff.  Figure Out Who You Are.

The good old days...

From the Sorgatron Media Creators Newsletter List for October 30, 2015.  You can Subscribe to it here or read the archive!

On Fridays I try to have lunch with my good friend that works on the North Side to keep connected and keep some good ideas flowing as we’re both creatives that have been involved in this Podcasting and creating thing for longer than people watching Pewdiepie may have been alive. We had a cameo by another friend that hasn’t known me all that long that seems fascinated by the variety of things I’ve been involved with in the past, oddly proclaiming that I’m “the real Dos Equis Beer guy

That part was a little weird.

But then I started thinking about a recent discussion by Gary Vaynerchuck with Chase Jarvis discussing how we should just take our twenties to figure out what we really like to do, and try a lot of things.

Well, it’s too late for some of us for that notion.  Kind of.

I worked through my twenties.  Hard.  And mostly didn’t settle on what I did in my 8-5.  Or 8-8.  Or 8-???? (Man.  Salary work.) I was creating Podcasts, working with clients on videos that weren’t the day job, and trying to put together a special music performance with my friends.

We look at Podcasting and Blogging and think “That’s the new thing.  I have to be right on top of it!”  But maybe you don’t like doing it for that fun thing.  Try a little bit of all of it.

I won’t get into the ideas of how to find the time, or motivation, but you need to try it. Your creative center, if you will.  If you still can’t figure out what you want to be when you grow up, and you’re way past the grow up part of that, it may be time to broaden your horizons.

What do you want me to cover in future newsletters?  Let me know here! or respond to this email!

Here’s the best of this week:

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