Thanksgiving has passed, and I had a great time visiting the family at my grandfather’s and heading up north to visit my Sister, Dad, and company! What does it mean to have an anchor and tradition for the holidays? Do you have your holiday tradition set with your family? Are you in a transition period? […]
Good Morning: A Less Digital Thanksgiving
It’s the day before Thanksgiving, and I want to take a look at what we’re doing with our iPhones around our families. Are we taking the time to appreciate those around us while they’re still around us? MP3 Download Follow “Good Morning” on iTunes or TalkShoe, or subscribe to EVERYTHING Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.
A Gaggle of Turkeys!
This morning, I was commuting a bit early so Missy could get drilled at the dentist, and came across a crew of turkeys. I never recalled coming across such a spectacle A) so close to Thanksgiving, and B) even out in the middle of no where that I hail from. I think it’s a pre-Turkey […]