Eight iterations ago, a coworker came from Boston to proclaim this new concept called “Podcamp”. It was an exciting idea in an exciting time of New Media and the precursor to what we know now as Social Media, really. Blogs, Podcasts, and making something for your self in this new world of the online. 8 […]
10 Things I Learned from 5 Years of Podcasting
On Sunday, September 18, I’m doing/have done a session by the same title at Podcamp Pittsburgh. A little bit of this process, I actually am writing this post as a nice organization of thoughts, and a nice side note for those that may attend or watch the video later on. Enjoy! I’ve uploaded my slides […]
Outgrowing Ourselves
There’s a nice string of blogs that have gone up the last couple weeks on Podcamp Pittburgh’s official website. You should drop by and read them. You know. After you register! Here’s my contribution to the cause… It’s been a long time since that very first Podcamp Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Filmmakers. I still remember that […]
Podcasting for Purpose
Since this is aimed for a print publication that will be gracing doctor’s offices across the tri-state area, I wanted to share this with you, my faithful blog readers (Hello? Are you out there?) first. Stay tuned to (client) S’eclairer’s website for details as we get things off the ground! I have been a student […]
A Podcamp Session. In which I stand.
Well, it’s nearing another year end, and nearing another insane amount of Podcamp Pittsburgh sessions processed and posted. Finally, by designation of room numbers, we’re getting around to some of the sessions I’ve looked forward to for literally months, including those by Justin Kownacki, Nerraux, and AwesomeCast co-host Rob de la Cretaz (I’m not the […]