It’s time for the first annual SorgCamp Awards! I’ve written the usual recaps and reviews of my favorite social weekend of the year, so this year, lets do it Awards-Style!

Most Photogenic: Mike Woycheck
During the Friday meet n’ greet, I was talking with the Woy-Man and someone took a picture of him. He semed to ache at the thought of all of the past Podcamp Pictures that were always “so terrible”. Here’s the deal with Woycheck: He’s far too energetic to be transcribed to film (or bytes, in this case). Especially at Podcamp. This guy is so completely engaged in the context of the weekend, it doesn’t translate to one point in time.

Biggest Shutterbug: Rob de la Cretaz
Everywhere I went, there was about a 20% chance I’d hear a click. Because the rest of the time, there was absolutely no knowledge that I was getting my picture taken. I’ve enjoyed his work at the G20 protests, and look forward to (update: he just updated his pics) see what this shutter assassin has coming from Podcamp.

Purveyors of Par-tay: Should I Drink That
Fatherspoon, Sick Puppy, and Meatshield served up a variety of Erie Brewing flavors at Friday’s Meet N Greet at Alphalab, and continued giving out BrueFest tickets over the weekend. I even heard some fabled stories of drinking shots of vodka from a skull. Of course, I’m sure anyone was accepting anything that the 6′ 5″ mountain of Meetshield may have recommended Friday night.

Best Use of Technology and an Empty Room: Room E + Vivo
Just after lunch, there was a great trifecta of well attended sessions. We had the YinzCam (which had an awesome presentation at Refresh Pittsburgh, previously), the IP Debate, and Blogging 201 with BurghBaby. I was much too late for the latter two to get a seat, let alone in the room, and I’d already seen what the YinzCam/iBurgh had to offer at a previous event, so I wandered and discovered a room devoid of session, yet occupied…with people watching the Blogging 201 session on the big screen. I don’t know who put that up there, but good move! Next year, perhaps a room solely for viewing other sessions that might be overflowing? Also, I’ve had the fortune to view some of the saved streams, and am very excited, and a little bit scared, at the content that we can put back up there so you can catch just about anything you may have missed at Podcamp. This sets an awesome precedent for the future. Props to Vivo for putting together a service, and helping to organize it, so it’s the first streaming that worked!

Proof That Old Media Doesn’t Have to Suck: Big Bob and Mikey
Ok. I don’t listen to too much radio. Whatever’s on when I don’t feel like fussing with my iPod, and X in the morning out of pure laziness. But I’ve been a fan of the few things I was aware of with the 96.1 Kiss Morning Freak Show, such as the Twitter Scavenger Hunts, and had some fun back and forth with them on the Tweetverse. The guys talked about the things they do that, in the long run, have nothing to do with what makes it to air, but has impacted their jobs, such as the Snuggie Bar Crawls and online music videos. In the long run, we had our work cut out for us for next year after this one. Let’s hope fur a new and improved session to get people talking for Podcamp Pittsburgh 5. Disclaimer: rest assured the crew will keep their shirts on. Pants are questionable (see: Chachi)

Most Likely Not a Teenage Girl: @MrDirby
Well, the picture explains it all…
Best Group on the Stream: Our Mayhem Show Fans
A little one sided by me, I know, but it was completely awesome to look at my tweets during lunch to see all of the commentary that ranged from IUP to Texas during our yearly Grassroots Podcasting session.
join the revolution. whatever that means.
you’re all a bunch of drunks and we love you.
10.5 cases kicked in 2.5 hours with a crowd smaller than last year. It was beautiful
Even though De La Croix sounds really sexy, it’s de la Cretaz. 😉
Obviously, I was accenting sexy over accuracy….
I don’t know who thought to start streaming in another room either, but it was GENIUS. That should definitely be worked into the plan for overflow next year because it worked really well. And now I’m going to try really hard to pretend that it’s not REALLY FREAKIN WEIRD to see that photo of me being broadcast in another room.