So, as many know, I’m a video editor by day, or “Video Specialist”, as my contract states. But with the task of editing and critiquing my own videos on a day to day basis, comes a few side effects.
Not only do I do a crackerjack job on some training videos, including working with motion graphics and animations, but I tend to follow some podcasts while I work from all over the industry, like the VFX Show and This Week in Media(that has since gotten less tech and more business) that cover a lot of technical sides of the video production business. So I’ve been “let on” to some things to watch out for.
I was watching Neverending Story this morning (until I dozed off from the early morning/late night) and realized how bad it is for me to watch any special effect-laden video from the ’80s. I was amazed by the frame jumps when cutting between cameras, the amazing matte paintings, and the frustration of puppeteering that didn’t seem to attempt to match the dialog. The matte paintings (a reason I have problems watching old Star Trek), and scene splicing (reminded me of Fraggle Rock for a second). They all stick out.
Back when I first got an HD television was the worse. At the time, there were about 7 HD channels on my cable. And the standard definition stations looked so bad. Cartoon Network was one of the biggest offenders, seeing the blocks around characters as they moved. To this day, I watch Smallville on the local CW and feel like I should adjust my rabit ears…
Another recent oddity is when someone said on one of these casts mentioned about watching “in car” sequences and how well the green screening is. Knight Rider. I’m about to stop watching it for this reason alone. (they better keep that hot chick factor up to keep me into it) .
And this is why I love watching my cracked out 80s/90s movies with you. *hugs and kisses*